Saturday, December 12, 2009

Baby Blood In Stoo Can A Baby Have A Different Blood Type Than Both The Parents?

Can a baby have a different blood type than both the parents? - baby blood in stoo

My sister had a baby, but is your blood type is a Point of Sale, is the "fathers" of a valve, and the child is pos O. Is it possible or not, the child has another biological father?


m_thurso... said...

Being realistic, because both parents are two genes presented. Here's an example:

AO = mother who gives her blood is a POS.
AO = father who gives his blood, a POS.
O child receives the mother and the father of blood O = O pos baby.

fasa f said...


fasa f said...


rastus77... said...

Of course, the child can be a different blood type. How many blood groups are in the two stories of the family differently?

rastus77... said...

Of course, the child can be a different blood type. How many blood groups are in the two stories of the family differently?

60s Chick said...

Yes, I am B positive, my husband is positive, and our daughter is AB positive. Our son is B positive.

fragment... said...

Here ...

And the answer is yes.

hereford... said...

my mother and my father is A + B +

I'm AB +

Schnauzer Mom ♥ said...

It is possible that two people who are A + + or have a child.

This means that Mom and Dad are genotypically AO, and the child to end as the "O" of the two, the genotype "oo." If the baby had an "A" to a gain from them, then the child would have been A.

knosum said...

Of course!

I have the same situation in my family, and although it is difficult to believe that it is possible.

mad1badb... said...

It is always possible, but is much more likely that the child has only one O-linked recessive gene from both parents. Or if it is recessive, so that would be where do A or B genes, which are mutually dominant (AA or BB to mixed, if AB) However, in this case AOpos cases in which both parents receive 25% OOpos baby. (The odds are 25% AA 50% and 25% AO OO

cookiesm... said...

the child's parent is o. ... not possible to produce for both types of blood to the offspring of type .... or is the offspring of the two species

Linds said...

Hmm good question, but I think sometimes the children have a different blood type and that of their parents. I know sometimes with transplantation of blood, the best thing that can be a brother instead of a parent.

Linds said...

Hmm good question, but I think sometimes the children have a different blood type and that of their parents. I know sometimes with transplantation of blood, the best thing that can be a brother instead of a parent.

Ray M Be (Bay) said...

It is rare for a child to full term to learn, but this is possible with appropriate medication

Dries said...

It is possible, occurs much

israelmo... said...

They should .... You have a problem .... The baby belongs to someone else ... Ask your sister .... Stained with DAD TO SAY .... But not the "fake .. ..

cpinatsi said...

It is entirely possible. The blood type is determined by 2 genes, one from each parent. One type is AA or AO. If both parents are AO, the baby Oh dear, and O. Sun 2 parents a type of blood can produce children with a blood group or blood type

tompagen... said...

Blood tests presented, provides no evidence that children are not the parents.

A is a dominant gene - so that could be his sister, AO (which means that a gene and an O) and AO is his father - is as dominant as O (it is classified ressive). The child is possibly the O gene from both parents and while the game OO - that is, they are as O. classified

Even if one parent has blood type AB is still possible but very unlikely that a child could have type O

tompagen... said...

Blood tests presented, provides no evidence that children are not the parents.

A is a dominant gene - so that could be his sister, AO (which means that a gene and an O) and AO is his father - is as dominant as O (it is classified ressive). The child is possibly the O gene from both parents and while the game OO - that is, they are as O. classified

Even if one parent has blood type AB is still possible but very unlikely that a child could have type O

tompagen... said...

Blood tests presented, provides no evidence that children are not the parents.

A is a dominant gene - so that could be his sister, AO (which means that a gene and an O) and AO is his father - is as dominant as O (it is classified ressive). The child is possibly the O gene from both parents and while the game OO - that is, they are as O. classified

Even if one parent has blood type AB is still possible but very unlikely that a child could have type O

Dwasifar K said...

Maybe. O is recessive. Parents with a recessive gene can be positive or if the baby receives genes from both parents or recessive is O.

Answer Schmancer said...

What type of blood is the factor?

Pandora Tommorow said...

I think that is possible, only the "A" is not in the blood

Molly said...

A can and can AA or AO B BB or BO. The baby Just got the O's. Or is the absence of A or B, a type of filler space. Perfectly normal.

ddrjake said...

My friend: "I'm 1 / 4 English. Thank God for you, I bled like a baby"

christig... said...

It is entirely possible. That the parents should have the genotype AO. Twist of Fate Baby phenotype is less likely.

alltimef... said...

If this is possible.

alltimef... said...

If this is possible.

smartcam... said...

Yes, if the child with another / Oh believe May that the biological father.

Table are meant to solve the question, "What are the possible blood types of a child, when we know that the blood groups of mother and father claims? To use the table, the column for the blood of his father, then find the column crossed the finish line with the blood of the mother.

See ...
GeneTree Simulator ABO

For example, if we know, the blood group of the mother and the father of blood type A, then your child should one or O. A child with B or AB blood can not be born of such parents.

smartcam... said...

Yes, if the child with another / Oh believe May that the biological father.

Table are meant to solve the question, "What are the possible blood types of a child, when we know that the blood groups of mother and father claims? To use the table, the column for the blood of his father, then find the column crossed the finish line with the blood of the mother.

See ...
GeneTree Simulator ABO

For example, if we know, the blood group of the mother and the father of blood type A, then your child should one or O. A child with B or AB blood can not be born of such parents.

smartcam... said...

Yes, if the child with another / Oh believe May that the biological father.

Table are meant to solve the question, "What are the possible blood types of a child, when we know that the blood groups of mother and father claims? To use the table, the column for the blood of his father, then find the column crossed the finish line with the blood of the mother.

See ...
GeneTree Simulator ABO

For example, if we know, the blood group of the mother and the father of blood type A, then your child should one or O. A child with B or AB blood can not be born of such parents.

B said...

hmm, interesting question. I think. I have a + and do not think my parents have this type.

FlAwL3ss said...

yah it is possible, why you are always stories of people who have difficulty finding Downers

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