Saturday, January 23, 2010

Gliptone Leather Cleaner Anybody Heard Of Gliptone Liquid Leather?

Anybody heard of Gliptone Liquid Leather? - gliptone leather cleaner

It is thought the leather back here? I would buy in the UK and send it to the States, but am not sure .. some experience with this product?

1 comment:

gymfitfi... said...

You should check their websites - which many details about what are the various products and their uses, etc. What is this? You have products, leather car upholstery, sofas, clothing, etc. I use Liquid Skin all the time for clothing, leather and motorcycle boots, etc. I would recommend not to restore, not restore the leather as such - conditions more flexible and some water and also to a degree. The revival of the old leather clothes, but you should try to face them Soft Leather Cleaner and then later with Liquid Leather. I think these products are applied to every piece of clothing, home textiles, luggage and be effective. I've used for years and trust - it also highlights the smell of leather too.

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